While most of our guides can be used by anyone, anywhere, Causeway was started as a Chattanooga-based organization. Our city is so rich in resources and potential, but you have to know where to look—we love connecting those dots. In our Local’s Guide we have many of the resources available in Chattanooga that can help local causes find what they need to launch their cause, feel supported, and get connected with a community that will help their idea sustain itself for the long run. If you know of a resource that we have not listed, email us at info@causeway.org.


Finding a group of like-minded people will go a long way towards helping you stay focused and dedicated to your cause. Chattanooga is a city of entrepreneurs — there are tons of people who have been where you've been, and who might have ideas to help you get past any issue you are dealing with.


Remember, it's not realistic or even necessary to have hundreds of thousands of dollars to get started on your cause. Starting small is the best way to test your idea, and strengthen it as you grow. You can use our Pilot Guide to help you do that. There are lots of places in Chattanooga where you can find funding. Some are for nonprofits, and some are for individuals. Some are for the arts, some are for education, and some are more open and broad. Some are based around pitch events, national days of giving, or rolling grant applications. Find the one that is right for you.


There are also lots of places to go in Chattanooga to find the specific knowledge you need as you are building your cause, from one-time office hours, online directories, and multi-week classes.


There are also places and organizations that provide additional resources like free or affordable workspace or event spaces, and even an annual design-a-thon where selected causes can get free design work.


Quickly test your idea and strengthen your cause.


Scale and grow your cause for a sustainable future.